PWF Services
Package A
Storm Warning Reports & On Demand Meteorologists for One Year
Storm Warning Reports & On Demand Meteorologists for One Year
- Storm Warnings cover events such as: winter storms, thunderstorms, hurricanes, flooding, high wind, etc.
- Storm Warnings provide location-specific weather information issued up to 72hrs ahead of the event.
- Updates issued at 2am, 8am, 1pm, 8pm & as needed to keep you informed before, during & after the event.
- On demand meteorologists are always available 24/7/365 to answer your weather related questions.
- PWF can proactively call you ahead of an event to discuss the storm and help plan for your operations.
- All forecasts and consulting provided by local American Meteorological Society degreed meteorologists.
- Forecasts provided via email, fax, website/mobile app (with website/app subscription), and/or telephone.
Package B
Package A, PLUS a Daily 5-Day Forecast Issued November 1 – April 30
Package A, PLUS a Daily 5-Day Forecast Issued November 1 – April 30
All the features of Package A plus PWF’s daily 5-day forecasts for winter season planning. Daily Forecasts are location-specific and issued every morning. Reports provide detailed daily weather information and a New England weather story. A good solution for scheduling staff, preparing materials / equipment, and planning projects several days in advance of threatening late fall, winter, and early spring weather.
Package C
Package A, PLUS a Daily 5-Day Forecast Issued All Year Long
Package A, PLUS a Daily 5-Day Forecast Issued All Year Long
All the features of Package A plus PWF’s daily 5-day forecasts for year-round planning. In addition to the features described in Package B, our year-round Daily Forecasts will help you plan days in advance for heavy rain, thunderstorms, hurricanes, heat waves, flooding and other warm season threats.
Decline Service Features
Web / Mobile Application Service
Web / Mobile Application Service
Decline Website / Mobile App Access: Removes online access to all the above mentioned forecast products and radar/satellite imagery via the PWF website and mobile app (Android & iOS).
Add Service Features
Certified Weather Statements
Certified Weather Statements
Add Certified Weather Statements: Sent promptly after every winter weather event and/or season. Statements provide a detailed town/city-specific recap of each weather event including the “inches of snow.” These are invaluable for promptly capturing and certifying your expenses.