
Stop Using Forecasts That Don’t Help Your Budget or Operations!

Precision Weather Forecasting Inc. (PWF) is a seasoned group of professionals who best understand the unique weather nuances of your location. We are degreed and local meteorologists with 30+ years of experience who have been exclusively focused on providing location specific forecasts and on-demand consultation, year round, to municipalities, businesses, schools and hospitals throughout southern New England since 1991. Our clients receive Daily Forecasts plus highly detailed and timely Storm Warning alerts updated at least 4 times a day when actionable weather threatens. These forecasts have a meaningful and positive impact on the budget, safety and staff of our client’s operations and those they serve.

PWF is not a national organization serving thousands of clients throughout the U.S., a TV station serving an entire region, or a website that spits out computer generated forecasts when a zip code is entered. Those sources will leave you guessing and making decisions based on deficient forecasts. PWF is local and focuses on serving a core group of about 225+ clients in MA, NH, RI and CT. Our forecasts are an upgrade from those you have experienced because they are all hand prepared, location specific, in-sync with current weather conditions and tailored to your operation. Direct 24/7 phone access to our meteorologists completes the package by enabling you to make informed weather related decisions based on the most real-time information and the assessment of a professional. This is the reason our clients overwhelming report better outcomes from our forecasts.

What You Can Expect from Precision Weather Forecasting (PWF)

Storm Warnings (sample)
Tailored to your town


Daily 5-Day Forecasts
Plan your week


Certified Statements
Legal, certified, trusted


We Understand Your Real-World Costs, Operations, & Timeframes

PWF supports municipalities, contractors, schools and some of the most critical facilities throughout southern New England. We live locally and work nearby so we know the peculiarities of your location and how YOUR PAVEMENTS AND COMMUNITY are affected by snow and ice accumulations. Our service also helps after every storm and through every season by providing certified snowfall totals that are significantly more precise than those from other vendors and CAPTURE YOUR REAL-WORLD COSTS. Our location-specific forecasts, 24/7 on call support, and CERTIFIED SNOWFALL TOTALS are made to help your municipality or business. From the largest to smallest municipalities and businesses we are experts in working with snow and ice managers of any size to help your operations and bottom line.

Why You don’t Want To Rely on Regional Forecasts or Radar Alone

Without professional intervention and expert interpretation, making budget-sensitive decisions based on county-based online or regional television forecasts will cost you.

What you see on radar may not be what is happening on the ground. We have the tools, experience and educated background to confirm precipitation types and whether it is indeed hitting the ground so you can plan accordingly.

What is the value of our service for you?

For the equivalent of $3.00 a day, you will have 24/7/365 access to a team of local and seasoned meteorologists.  When you couple this with more precise timelines and forecasts tailored to help you manage your operation at the town level, you will achieve the best possible results.

That is a service that pays for itself!  Learn more

“Unmatched in the annals of weather forecasting!” – The Boston Globe